Spider Veins Nose Laser Treatment

Laser Treatments to Correct Spider Veins on the Nose. Laser treatments are another method of treating facial spider veins. The blood vessel is treated with targeted laser energy, which causes the targeted vein to become smaller and fade over a period of weeks. Follow up treatments may be needed. FACIAL RETICULAR VEIN LASER REMOVAL Individual results may vary. Very fine and microscopic facial spider veins, on the other hand, are best treated with Sciton’s Intense Pulse Light (IPL) treatment. Facial veins have certain characteristics that make them particularly suitable for light based treatments. Unlike leg veins, facial spider veins are usually of the low pressure variety and are quite similar to each other in size, depth and color, and therefore these veins respond more uniformly to a particular laser setting. Spider veins of the face can be difficult to treat,. Agree with topical laser therapy and Intense Pulsed Light therapy IPL as described.

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